Monday 9 July 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Battery Lasts Longer than Apple iPhone 4S, HTC One X Batteries

We don’t hear much about the long battery lifespan of the Samsung Galaxy S3. After all, with its array of advanced features and specs, it’s easy to overlook the battery, that one feature that is responsible for making the device run in the first place.
According to a new test, the Galaxy S3’s battery is actually one of the best out there (but not the best – the Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx’s battery takes that honor), and better than that on the Apple iPhone 4S and HTC One X.
We’re not surprised about the Galaxy S3’s battery beating out the iPhone 4S’ battery. Many have criticized the iPhone 4S for providing unsatisfactory battery life. In’s test, the Galaxy S3 was able to provide 726 minutes call time on medium 3G. Coming in second was the HTC One X with 635 minutes, then the Sony Xperia S with 520 minutes

The iPhone 4S was fourth with a decent 467 minutes among the devices featured on Which’s graph. This means Apple’s flagship device may not be that bad after all when it comes to longevity – we shall get to that in a bit. Rounding up the handsets featured on the chart were the HTC Sensation XL (272 minutes) and Motorola Gleam (135 minutes). All in all, 101 handsets were tested, and the average longevity was 315 minutes.
Based on these figures, it looks like the iPhone 4S is capable of above-average – not poor – battery life. And the Galaxy S3 is well above-average.
However, is a UK site, and this means a lot of US-only devices were not included in the test, including the aforementioned Droid RAZR Maxx. Still, 726 minutes is a very impressive number for a phone many consider to be the best handset currently available on the market..

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