Friday 8 June 2012

Airtel 3G Hack with new VPN works even on bocked sim (SS+proof) - June 2012

Hai Guys here is another vpn works with Airtel Tunnel bear

+ Create a account on tunnel bear (Goto official tunnel bear website and download the vpn client . Then install the vpn. Then open the client and create account on it)
Or download it from here

Tunnel Bear -

+ Download Config files from given below (password:- "pass" without quotes)
+ Edit pass.txt with your authentication details (username on first line and password on second)


+ Use Config on a OPENVPN ( install openpn and paste it into "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config" of ur system.

+ Open OpenVpn and connect on server 2,4,6,8 etc ( they are worked for me)

Download Config :

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